Tuesday 13 March 2012

A not so eloquent speech, this

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE SPEECH: This is speech was given by a glossophobic person in front of the President just one day before the mid-term. The speaker had the reputation of screwing up each and every presentation.

Here it goes,

Friends, Indians, Countrymen, lend me your ears.

Before I begin my speech, I want to tell you guys that there are three interesting facts about this speech. But, I will come back to them later.

There are not many things an average person like me can talk about. I have been an average student all my life. I was average throughout my school, my engineering and here too I am working my way towards being average. This speech made me think, Why I am average? 

I grasp concepts quite fast, I have a decent memory and I am not very bad at writing either. I am not bragging about my intellectual prowess here, but these are the things told to me by different teachers who have taught me over the years. After a few hours of introspection, I stumbled upon the reason. The reason was, I don’t study. As simple as that. So, the million dollar question is why don’t I study? Why am I such a waste of talent? No, the answer is not that I am lazy, well partly it is. But more prominent reasons are my priorities and belief system. 

Studies have always been at the very bottom of my priorities. Ironically, the thing featuring at the top, if not the top most is LEARNING. I have always believed that learning through experience is the best form of learning. Most of the MBA colleges today recognizes the importance of learning through experience. Perhaps that is the reason why they offer residential programmes. 

Let me prove how learning through experience is the best form of learning. Let us take, “Learning through experience is the best form of learning” as our null hypothesis and “ Learning through books is the best form of learning” as alternative hypothesis.

Long before I studied Power and Politics in OB, I had a real life experience with it. In my school, the sports teacher used to select the Captain for the football team and then the Captain used to select his team.  By using Politics I became the Captain of the football team. And then I exercised my Powers. I certainly know how, Power and Politics work even though I may not be able to give you exact definition given in Robbins. The topper in OB might know the exact definition but when it comes to coping with it, he/she might have a tough time. Generally, the toppers are the people who try to remain away from Politics. I am generalizing here, but take it as an assumption to support my hypothesis. So, these are the people who inspite of delivering results at the workplace don’t get enough recognition. Hence, we can say that learning through experience is the best form of learning. In my four years of Electrical Engineering, I have learnt this approach. I still don’t know, How an Induction motor starts

Most of us here are so much particular about our marks that we loose sight of our primary objective which is learning. They think that these are the years we should give their best and enjoy life afterwards. But, it never happens that way. Mr. Rahul Saxena is the CEO of a very big MNC. He is by far the most successful person I know personally, he is a distant cousin of mine. He always say to me that these are the best years of your life , enjoy it to the core. Maintain the minimum required marks and enjoy the rest of the time.

The Dalai Lama was once asked what surprises him most about humanity. He replied, MAN. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or future; he lives as if he is never going to die and then dies having never really lived.

So what we learn from it? Live in the present. Celebrate life. Take some time out to do things you love. Most of us think its too late. Why waster time doing a thing in which we can’t make a career in. Well, it’s not that late. The likes of John Abraham and K.K Menon became actors after their MBA. Gaurav Dagaonkar became a singer after passing out from IIM-A. And even if you can’t make a career out of your passion , never stop doing it because it makes you happy. Or shall I say in OB language, it is intrinsically rewarding.

Remember, at the beginning of the speech I said there are three interesting facts about this speech.
First is, I have deliberately exceeded my time limit. As I have stage fear, I wanted to spend more time in front of the President. Learning through experience, you see.

Second is, the speech is quite controversial. More so, because it is being presented before the President.

And the third interesting fact is that I have made up a few things in order to emphasize my points. For instance, I was never the captain of my school football team AND Mr. Rahul Saxena does not exist. Infact his name is the combination of the names of two of my very good friends, Rahul Singh and Kushagra Saxena.

Hope you guys had a good time.

Thank You

God Bless.


  1. Really Awesome.....
    Cant wait for the next speech to come out....
    Thumbs Up!!!

  2. Hey awesome speech dude. ur thoughts abt why u never studied and the reason u found were exactly the same as mine (about my own life). i had even thought of writing it in my blog but u beat me to it. and very well articulated. and gud guts in saying all that stuff in the end in front of the president

  3. effing awesome speech man!! :D
