Wednesday 17 August 2011

College 2.0

First of all , a very Happy Independence Day to you all . Its been 64 years now and in this span there are atleast 640 things about this great nation , I am extremely proud of and 6400 things , I am not so proud of . By next year I want the numbers to be interchanged . As if now , its like pulling a polar bear out of the hat . But I do have a ray of  hope . As Andy said , Hope is a good thing , maybe the best of things , and no good thing ever dies (Shawshank Redemption ).
Last year on Independence day , my facebook status was “ Whats wrong in showing our patriotic side only twice every year ? Atleast we show it . :X “ Somehow , this year I don’t feel that way .  Will dedicate an entire post to it , but not now , or else I will be doing exactly what I said last year  . Meanwhile , lets get started with something related to the title .
Well after the cultural programme for the Italians , midsems , fresher party , a disciplinary note against my name for bunking library class , QT end term , Independence Day celebrations and a wonderful trip to Wonder La amusement park , finally I am feeling like I am in a college again . And coming back to the party , you guys rocked like anything . Hope you guys also got a glimpse of Nawab and his lifestyle .(Only for those , who have read my previous post )
Two months ago , I was living a fairly decent life . Used to wake up at 11 , sleep again at 2 wake up at 5 . Have a shower , pull on my jeans and hit the road . But used to have a dream , and the dream was to do an MBA from a reputed college in a decent city . These days , I am waking up at 7:45 ( ok ok 8:25 ) , attending classes 9 to 4:30 , making presentations and preparing for tests after that . If I am lucky , I get a chance to explore the city once every week . Here , I am at Bangalore living my dream . And Given the weather in Bangalore I am living a wet dream .
Jokes apart  , many of us (including me ) are quite cynical about this college . No night canteen , girls in time which got outdated even in the 70’s and code of ethics which I guess has more gravity than the constitution of India , are some of the common complaints . But , we need to accept the fact that we are here , and for two long years (atleast :D ). Yes , you could have landed in XYZ college but you can’t do a thing about it now . Ofcourse you have the liberty to opt out of the programme even now , but do that only if you are affluent ( MBA effect) enough , that you didn’t need an MBA at the first place . Yes , we have to sit roll no. wise , 6 days a week 280 days a year . Yes , there is no Sigmund Freud in the pedagogy .( Those who have read his creations would have guessed what I am trying to say :P). Yes , we are at times deprived of even physiological needs as per Maslov’s hierarchy of needs theory , and are asked to achieve self-actualization .( BTW , by physiological needs I meant water in boys hostel , what were you guys thinking ? huh ? ) But dude , thats life for you . No college is perfect .Get over it . You will face or have faced bigger challenges than this outside the campus . For most of us this is the best college we could have got into . If it is not the case , then its your fault and not college’s .  Take pride , you are in one of the best B-school of the country .
Almost everyone out here is in college for the last time . ( Unless you want to take up teaching as a profession or start a new venture in education industry ) So make the best of it  , have fun , be a kid once again , and a very curious one . Live your teenage all over again .Perhaps this is the last chance . Get your first crush for the last time , hit on girls / guys ( as per your gender or orientation ) , have a fling , two time , three time (or as many as you can handle ) , break a few hearts . Perhaps this is the last time , you can afford being a little reckless. Perhaps this is the last time you are spared of responsibilities . Hit the gym , attend a few conference calls (refer HIMYM season 5 ), experiment with ___(ab yeh bhi batana padega kya ? ), take very good care of your sick local guardian .( This one is only for girls :P ), go for out of town trips ( during sembreaks , ofcourse ). Implement what you have learnt in economics , “maximization of satisfaction .” Do anything and everything you can within the law. (of college and country ) Occasional bending of rules is allowed . If Lord Krishna can do it , why can’t we ? Few years later , while sitting in the sea facing cabin of your office  , you will be nostalgic about a particular  “ Tu mera bhai hai moment “ and not about an A+ in OB-1 . I am willing to sacrifice 0.5 lac / annum from my starting salary to experience as many of these moments as I can . But , the big question is “Are You?”  Don’t get too involved in getting an A in a particular subject , instead do something that you love , take some time out for it . Your grades will get you a decent first job , but your passion will help you achieve greatness .
If any girl , by any chance , is inspired by this post ( particularly the last part ) , feel free to hit on me or cheat on your current boyfriend with me . I will try to co-operate to the best of my abilities .:D
If anybody feels offended with anything written here , I am awfully sorry .