Sunday 24 July 2011

Perky Prince to Nonentity

Disclaimer : This is more or less a true story with traces of fiction at appropriate places , any similarity with a person living or dead is purely intentional .
Once upon a time , in the city of lakes Bhopal , there lived a boy . I don’t remember his name and I think thats not even important . As Albert Einstein rightly said ,” whats in the name ?” or was it Dan Brown ? eh ? , For convenience sake let’s call him ‘M’ . But I do remember what his friends used to call him , they used to call him ‘Nawab’ and this guy certainly used to live up to that name . Just for the records , he did not have those “Nawabi Shauks” you guys are thinking of . During his school , engineering and post engineering days  , this guy has done it all , from chasing girls 20 kms on a bike , just to know their address to chilling in the Sheesha Lounges and placing a bet on any team playing against Manchester United that weekend . ( He was a die-hard anti – MU , SAF , CR7/CR9 and WR8/10 ) . Sitting on the staircase in front of CCD with friends and commenting on each girls dressing style , having RS at Prakash Dhaba to Long Island Iced Tea at Noor-Us-Sabah palace , hitting on neighbours living on either side of his house , driving 30 kms at 3 a.m to have poha . (Who cares about petrol prices when you are provided with two cars and 60 litres petrol per month in each of them by the state Govt.) , watching superflop movies in their third week with his girl , this guy had done it all . To cut the long story short this guy used to live life KING SIZE or rather PRINCE SIZE if we go by the title . Even after all this , his  cousin ‘H’ or the Nawab of Raipur/Pune used to complain that M needs to get a life , well H is from a different planet altogether , will talk more about him some other day . All this while M used to think about himself as creative types and wanted to study in a Communication Management B-School , somewhere in the Modi-land . Fortunately / Unfortunately , he didn’t make it to the B-School of his dreams and landed in a very disciplined Bangalore B-School . Well adjusting in  to this place was tough , even for him  . Never in his life was he exposed to such diversity , he and his roomies were separated by the Tropic of Cancer  . Even in this diversity there were not many  girls comparable to his girl , and unfortunately those who were had an awful taste with guys .People were very different from the ones he knew till then , they were thinkers , planners , strategists . They even have a strategy to woo a girl  . There was a rat race all around . M never took part in the rat race as he believed that the winner of a rat race is always a rat and that he is a cat , and by cat he didn’t mean a pussy cat ( No pun intended ) .  In the very first week itself he found out that MBA is nothing but an art of complexifying simple things and then take pride in solving them . But it was tough rather complex . 100% attendance for a guy who hasn’t cross 50% attendance mark in any of the 8 semesters of his engineering , relative grading for the guy who went with only 1 goal to all exams and that was securing 35 marks (even 30 at times and expecting a grace of 5 marks) .For the first week the M was happy but then he lost his zeal , energy  and enthusiasm . Some think of him as a flip-flop with well-defined on and off state . This B- School was an awful tasting medicine but I guess the patient much needed it . I have a little piece of advice for M , “ just have some faith .“(Much inspired by Lincoln Burrows of Prison Break ) What will happen to him , only time will tell . Till then all you guys out there , Just Have Some Faith .